Taking care of the land

Indigenous Land Stewardship For Conservation & Culture

Land Based Learning & Healing

Grandmothers Governance Council

Indigenous Ways of Care Taking

Grandmothers represent a tremendous repository of life experience and cultural knowledge. They have traditionally been water walkers, seed carriers and knowledge holders, nurturing family, community and the spirit of the land. Our Grandmothers can support youth with cultural practices and teachings, into a modern economy.

Land based Learning & Healing

Indigenous Ways of Healing

Through our connection with the land, we learn to connect to ourselves and begin to discover who we truly are. Mother Earth has more than 1billion years of experience in complex engineering, design, chemistry, cooperation, construction, and innovation. There is a lot we can learn, if we pay attention.

Land Stewards & Mother Earth's creations

Learning from the Land for the Land

Working with the land with respect for reciprocity – taking only what is needed and using all of what is taken. When we approach our work with the knowing in our minds and hearts that Mother Earth is a living, breathing, being, who has gifted us with immence abundance for the wellbeing of all, we begin to see the value in these offerings. We can create natural economies that value life and allow all to prosper.