Moving Forward Together
At GIDT, our dedicated team drives our mission forward. With diverse backgrounds and expertise, we are united by a shared commitment to empower and support Indigenous communities.
Meet Our GIDT Team
Dedicated to a greater cause
Our GIDT Ecosystem

Becky Big Canoe
Healthy Housing & Land Access Advisor

Rachel Lachance
Food Sovereignty & Nutrition Specialist

Jode Kechego
Policy Advisor & Indigenous Knowledge

Dr. Arzu Mountain Spirit
Leader Garifuna Nation & Health Sovereignty Advisor

Manari Ushigua
Spiritual Leader Sapara Nation & Sacred Relationships Advisor

Jamie Miller, PhD
CEO Biomimicry Frontiers & Natural Infrastructure Advisor

Amanda Hutter
CEO Greenfeet Ecosystem Services & Ecosystem Services Advisor

Samantha Mandigora
Canada-Africa Advisor

Patricia Fortier
Former Ambassador, global affairs, conflict management & diplomacy Advisor

Martina Paloheimo
Head Bridge-Builder & Special Events

Our Spirit
By bridging ancient wisdom with modern technology, connecting a global network of wise practice and experience, and supporting teams, leaders and communities with tools, training, coaching and mentorship, we support in the creation of healthy, vibrant nations and self-empowered people.
Our Values
GIDT uses ancient wisdom to build new ways forward. We work in collaboration with other forward-thinking communities, organizations and companies. We use a true-value accounting system to ensure that we are not being wasteful in our efforts or our intentions. With true-value standards no stone is left unturned and no resource is overlooked.
Our Expertise
We advocate for, educate and bring awareness to better ways of working together and bridging the Indigenous and secular ways of knowing. We are reframing the conversation around land management and conservation through the Indigenous lens. As an reciprocity philosophy, Indigenous Nations once had systems that led the world in land management.